With the launch of their Rare Medium website and debut edition of their Rare Medium emagazine, Meat and Livestock Australia have started 2018 on a good foot. With a sleek, simplistic, user friendly interface, the Rare Medium website and emagazine are designed to inform and inspire the foodservice industry about Australian beef and lamb from paddock to plate. Even though the website and emagazine serve different purposes, they serve their respective purposes excellently.

 The Rare Medium Website is the go to source for red meat information. The website has features like, protein guides, production walkthroughs, as well as information and news regarding sustainability and quality assurance. The protein guides feature beef, veal, goat, and lamb with interactive cut charts for each animal. By clicking on a specific cut, readers are able to learn about the qualities of that cut and a few tips on how to cook it. Some of the protein guides are accompanied by an informative videos as well.

 The production tab is another invaluable source of information, a walkthrough and behind the scenes look at Australian red meat’s journey from the farm to the fridge. This section provides easily digestible information on the farming, feeding, and processing of red meat in Australia.

 The Rare Medium emagizine’s value is more than comparable to that of the complimentary website. Editor, Mary-Jane Morse, does a terrific job bringing interesting and informative articles to the magazine. Considering the seasonal nature of its release schedule, the stories are fresh, topical, and guaranteed to keep your interest in between issues.

If you’d like to check out the website or emagazine for yourself, click on the links below

Rare Medium Website

Rare Medium Emagazine


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