As of the 4th of October, Seek advertised 666 vacancies for Chefs and Cooks across Queensland as a result of businesses experiencing increasing difficulty recruiting qualified chefs.
The Queensland Tourism Industry Council held a forum this month on the 8th of November to examine Queensland's growing demand for Chefs and identify and develop strategies with existing Chefs to alleviate the growing skills need.
Experts have observed that young people are no longer being attracted to professional chef careers, regardless of the popularity of TV shows such as Master Chef and My Kitchen Rules. The disconnection between what is presented on television and the reality of a chef’s career has contributed not just a staffing shortfall but rather, a full-blown crisis as restaurants, not just within Queensland but across Australia, struggle to fill positions, both in the kitchen and front of house.
In addition to the shortage of chefs, in-house training has turned into a costly necessity to keep a professional and trained employee pipeline continuing. Larger restaurant groups, with their enhanced financial position, have strategies in place to deal with staffing issues, but it's a different story for single-restaurant operators, who increasingly find themselves depending on underqualified, inexperienced staff to keep the doors open.
Information sourced from the Cairns Post - click here
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