MSA Proves one of red meat industry's greatest success stories
The red meat industry paused to celebrate and reflect on one of its outstanding success stories last week, when the Meat Standards Australia program officially notched-up twenty years of operations.
After 12 months under a pilot trial in the southeast Queensland and West Australian markets, the MSA program took its first tentative-fully-commercial steps during the early stages of 1998.
A breakfast gathering in Brisbane last week hosted by Meat & Livestock Australia marked the milestone, and included a large group of stakeholders and supporters - some of whom had been part of the program since its inception.
"Looking back to the mid-1990s and what was happening in the beef industry at the time, it took tremendous industry vision to take the initiative to start to invest in the research that led to MSA, and begin to really understand our consumers", MLA's general manager for producer consultation and adoption Michael Crowley told the gathering.
Back then 38 percent of consumers said they were finding it difficult to buy beef that met their expectations of quality. Fifty seven percent had difficulty predicting tenderness by looking at the raw product; 80 percent said price was no indicator of quality, and 90 percent thought fat equalled poor quality. There was so much confusion in the marketplace that consumers were limiting beef purchasing.
Despite lofty early expectations, MSA was certainly no overnight success at the commercial level. Over The last 20 years progressive improvement and innovations have occurred allowing MSA to provide resources that support producers to continue striving for excellence.
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